What is copy-editing?

 Copy-editing is about the structure of writing. The writing style and type of document are extremely important to writing. Copy-editing is more about giving the audience something easy to read and understandable, all without deviating from the author’s writing style. For example, instead of saying “I was gardening with a shovel, wearing a hat”, I would say “I was wearing a hat as I gardened, using a shovel”. The first wording makes it sound as if the shovel was wearing the hat, whereas the second one makes it clear that I was wearing the hat. Copy-editing catches those kinds of instances and makes the meaning clear.

Professional Copy-Editing Service, NZ

As your copy-editor, I will read through your work and rearrange anything that is unclear, tracking changes so that you can see what I’ve done. I will also leave suggestions and comments in the margins for clearer meaning, which can explain why I’ve made some changes or suggest changes if I’m not sure of your meaning. This will make your writing clear and concise, allowing for easy readability.


I charge $10.oo NZD per thousand words.